Jan Cooper- Full Artist Spotlight

Jan Cooper's whimsical creations are another delightful new addition to the MADE Art Boutique roster.

Handcrafted animals of all sizes are her specialty, each hand created by her, using a variety of materials for inspiration. For this month's artist spotlight we discuss her inspiration and dedication to her craft.


What is your favorite part of the maker’s process?

My favorite part is the enjoyment I get when contemplating and researching a new idea for a project, then putting that idea into action. I enjoy searching for those special objects, discontinued ribbon yarns, specialty yarns, old toys and critters to wrap and upcycle, beads and old jewelry at thrift stores. I probably have way too much stuff, but it is nice to have a good selection to choose from.... 

How do you go about starting new designs..... do you plan ahead or just jump right in?

When making my pins/brooches, I jump right in. I’ll find a special bead or rhinestone (usually a new doodad) that excites me at the moment and then start from there. After choosing the ribbon yarn, I need to decide which jewels, beads, wire, rhinestones, jewelry parts, etc. to use...that takes the most time. When choosing a sculpture/vintage toy base to wrap, I first need to decide what specialty yarn and colors to use to give the best effect and what accent yarns I have on hand that would work well.

Do you like a tidy work space or functional chaos?

Chaos!! It actually inspires me in many directions, to look at all that is in front of me. I love the “lightbulb” moments that take me on a spin to creativity. By the way, I know where everything is in my workspace!


What has been your biggest challenge as a professional artist?

For me the biggest challenge is figuring out what category my art fits in...Fine Art or Craft Jewelry. I have juried and been accepted in a fine art show, but in some venues I am not. When the “jewelry” category is chosen in an event, many times vendor spots are filled due to its popularity. My art/jewelry technique is so specialized and unique, I don’t feel I compete with anyone.

What brings you the most joy outside of the studio?

Other than strangers noticing and complimenting my pins every time I wear one, I enjoy vending at art/craft shows, meeting new people and sharing my process and tools with everyone that asks. I also enjoy co-coordinating a church craft group where we create new treasures from donations received then sell them at an annual boutique for mission use. I also volunteer at a local non-profit thrift store and research donated items, price and repair old jewelry. I also volunteer at the Desert
Botanical Garden as an Instructional Aide in my spare time :)


What do you wish to see in the future to support artist-owned small business in Arizona?

I would like to see more regulation of online advertising of art shows....particularly fraud. I have been aware of many scammers who prey on new and even seasoned makers....they masquerade as show hosts and steal vendor fees from unaware hosts and artists. This happens a lot on social media and is so hard for those organizing these shows to deal with. I know this would be tremendously difficult, but social media and online activity needs far more regulation.


Anything exciting in the works/coming up for you this year?

That is a great question. First, I want to do more hand-molding of desert critters using paper/polymer clay which I can then wrap and make unique pins/brooches. Second, I never know what the next plan or work for me will be! I try to stay ahead and have a variety of pins and sculptures ready to take to venues and restock shops. Sculptures take me many hours to make. I’m always looking for new and
good old vendor opportunities. Some venues have closed but others open. Last August I was contacted by an assistant art director at Arizona Highways Magazine. They chose a pin from my Etsy page which they wanted to feature in the December issue gift guide....and asked if I could have a supply of pins available for purchase through my Etsy shop for the month of December if I accepted. I was so honored but how could I prepare for that? It was a wonderful surprise, took a lot of time and
work, and I was able to make many buyers happy. So, who knows from day-to-day what direction my art will take me :)

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I really enjoy creating sculptures for auctions...funds which go for a good cause. Many years ago, I was approached by a volunteer from Liberty Wildlife. They asked if I would be willing to wrap and decorate an owl sculpture for their event to raise funds for their rehab facility in Phoenix. I agreed and was given a large ceramic owl which I did my best to wrap and decorate. It was loved by all and I had
so much fun! I have also wrapped a large metal lizard for another organization’s auction recently. I so enjoy the creative process and would welcome the challenge for a good cause.

Find her work on the web:


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Shop her collection at MADE :)