Sarah Elliott- Full Artist Spotlight

Arizona artist Sarah Elliott, founder of Cacti Rebel Studio, is a mom, entrepreneur, and all around inspiration!

Her vivid designs grace stickers and prints in the store, and after a challenging year for her, we are eager to learn more about her new product release later this fall.


What is your favorite part of the maker’s process?

My favorite part is being able to be creative. Traditionally, I am someone who very much follows the rules and does what is expected of me; but when I make art, I can break all the rules. It's a place of being totally me and totally free. When I step back and see a finished piece and it just sings, that's an amazing feeling. That's what I love!



How do you go about starting new designs, do you plan ahead or just jump right in?

Honestly, a little of both. I do plan times for working on my art. I'm a mom of 3 so I have to plan time or nothing would ever happen. But the actual piece itself, sometimes I plan ahead because I have a picture in mind; like it’s in my mind's eye and it's been there for a while. Then, I plan time to start working on it or even plan a bit of how I want to go about it, where to start and what layers I want to begin with to build the piece. Other times I just sit down and whatever inspires me or moves me is what I end up working on. I challenge myself to do both ways because I never want creating to become stale.

Do you like a tidy work space or functional chaos?

I have to laugh at this a bit. I actually love things to be tidy and organized. I feel like I am much freer when I know where everything is and I can find everything. But, there are a lot of times that life happens and functional chaos is what actually happens. I can live with it for a while, but then I have to stop and tidy, for my brain to rest.



What has been your biggest challenge as a professional artist?

Overcoming imposter syndrome. The first year I had my business a "friend" told me I wasn't a real artist; I guess because I didn't do things her way. It took me a long time to get over that, because it fed that imposter syndrome I was already feeling. It took me some genuine work to get over that. But in time I realized this person wasn't really a friend, and secondly they were just jealous that I was running after my dream and actually making a living at it. Now, I've come to a place of really trusting my gut and loving what I do, so I am ok knowing I'm not for everyone. I am perfect for some and that's enough!


What brings you the most joy outside of the studio?

My family! 100%! I am married to the love of my life (18 years this month). We have 3 amazing kids, and I genuinely love being a mom. We also have an Aussie Shepherd dog named "Jack" and he is my baby! We enjoy board games, exploring and traveling, and just being together.


What do you wish to see in the future to support artist owned small businesses in AZ? 

I moved here 4 years ago from another state. (Although I do call Arizona home because I love it here!) I was amazed at the support that is here for small businesses. Like, blown away by it all! I think I really want to see that continue. There was such a big rally to support local or small business during covid, I just want to see that continue; especially for artists/makers. I just want that to continue to grow.

Anything exciting in the works/coming up for you this year? 

Well, yes! A couple of things actually. I will be expanding my line later this year and on into next year. Not just with new designs but new product offerings. So that is very exciting. Most exciting, I will be finishing cancer treatment at the end of this year! I was diagnosed in November of last year and it's been quite the journey with chemo, surgery and radiation; but I am almost finished and that thrills me! It's been a long, tough year, but I have seen myself grow so much and even seen it come through in my art. We've turned a lot of lemons into lemonade, so to speak. Now, a portion of all our profits go to support organizations helping women with cancer treatment.



Is there anything else you’d like to share? 

You have one beautiful life. Don't waste it and don't wait. Pursue that dream. Take the trip. Make the call. Give forgiveness, hugs and lots of love. Make the memories.

You can check her out around the web: or on Etsy at

Shop their collection of items at MADE :)